
Select FormApplying From West AfricaApplying From Europe, America or OtherCriteriaCaution
If you are based in West Africa competing for a regional title in West Africa such as Miss West Africa Gambia, Miss West Africa Liberia, Miss West Africa Nigeria, etc select the ‘Applying From West Africa’ and fill in the form. If you are based outside of West Africa and looking to compete for a foreign title such as Miss West Africa UK, Miss West Africa USA, Miss West Africa Belgium, etc, kindly select ‘Applying From Europe, America or Other’ and fill in the form.

This Form Is Strictly For Applicants Of West African Origin Living Inside Of West Africa.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.

Please Enter The Applicant's Details

If You Are a caretaker/parent or agent of the applicant, kindly fill in below with your own details. If you are the applicant, kindly continue with your details.

This Form Is Strictly For Applicants Of West African Origin Living Outside Of Africa. / Cet formulaire est strictement destiné aux candidates originaires d'Afrique de l'Ouest vivant en dehors de l'Afrique

Please Enter The Applicant's Details

If You Are a caretaker/parent or agent of the applicant, kindly fill in below with your own details. If you are the applicant, kindly continue with your details / Si vous êtes un gardien/parent ou un agent de la requérante, veuillez remplir ci-dessous avec vos propres coordonnées. Mais Si vous êtes la requérante , Veuillez continuer avec vos détails.

Applicant Must Be Aged 16-27
Applicant Must Be Female & Must Have Have Been Born as A Female.
Applicant Must Be A minimum of 50% West African Heritage
Applicant Must Have a passport and ready to travel in April 2025
Applicant Must Not have any previous Criminal Record
Applicant Must Not Have Any public nude images Present
Applicant must not have any degratory statements about Africa online.

Le candidat doit avoir entre 16 et 27 ans.
Le candidat doit être une femme et doit être née en tant que femme.
Le candidat doit avoir au moins 50% de patrimoine ouest-africain.
Le candidat doit avoir un passeport et être prêt à voyager en avril 2025.
Le candidat ne doit pas avoir de casier judiciaire antérieur.
Le candidat ne doit pas avoir d’images nues publiques en ligne.
Le candidat ne doit pas avoir de déclarations dégradantes sur l’Afrique en ligne.

O candidato deve ter entre 16 e 27 anos.
O candidato deve ser do sexo feminino e deve ter nascido como mulher.
O candidato deve ter no mínimo 50% de herança da África Ocidental.
O candidato deve ter um passaporte e estar pronto para viajar em abril de 2025.
O candidato não deve ter antecedentes criminais.
O candidato não deve ter imagens nuas públicas online.
O candidato não deve ter declarações depreciativas sobre a África online.


Application is free. If you wish to register for the pageant fill in the form application to you. Do not pay any monies to any individual claiming to be agent or associate of Miss West Africa in order to register for the competition. The only valid agents of the competition are those with their contacts on our page. In any case, you are uncertain about the registration and the involved parties, kindly email or refer all inquiries to +233233622008 or +233233622004. Miss West Africa will not be liable for any lost monies sent to the wrong contacts not confirmed or published on the website.

L’inscription est gratuite. Si vous souhaitez vous inscrire au concours, remplissez le formulaire d’inscription qui vous est proposé. Ne payez aucun montant à toute personne prétendant être un agent ou un associé de Miss West Africa pour vous inscrire au concours. Les seuls agents valides du concours sont ceux dont les contacts sont sur notre page. Si vous avez des doutes concernant l’inscription ou les parties impliquées, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à ou adresser toutes vos questions au +233233622008 ou au +233233622004. Miss West Africa ne sera pas responsable des fonds perdus envoyés aux mauvais contacts non confirmés ou publiés sur le site web.

A inscrição é gratuita. Se você deseja se inscrever no concurso, preencha o formulário de inscrição disponibilizado para você. Não pague nenhum valor a qualquer pessoa que afirme ser um agente ou associado da Miss West Africa para se inscrever no concurso. Os únicos agentes válidos do concurso são aqueles cujos contatos estão em nossa página. Se você tiver dúvidas sobre a inscrição ou as partes envolvidas, por favor, envie um e-mail para ou dirija todas as suas perguntas para +233233622008 ou +233233622004. A Miss West Africa não se responsabilizará por qualquer valor perdido enviado para contatos errados não confirmados ou publicados no site.

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